The Healthy Church Hub


Church volunteers are essential for a thriving and healthy ministry.

In fact, having a solid team of volunteers can help your church reach more people, consistently serve your community, and spread the gospel in exciting ways.

So, how can you attract new volunteers to serve? In this post, we’ll look at four practical ways to attract new individuals to get involved in volunteering their time at your ministry.

Whether you’re a pastor, worship leader, or volunteer coordinator, this guide will help you find new ways to attract volunteers and help your church grow.

1. Train Volunteers to Recruit Their Friends

Ask volunteers to share about serving needs with their friends at church. This type of personal touch can encourage people to serve in a more authentic way.

Who doesn’t want to help a friend out? When someone personally invites you to join their team, it feels more organic. A new volunteer will be much more comfortable and less intimidated serving with a friend they already know.

Ask your volunteers to share with friends and watch your volunteer team grow.

2. Spread The Word In Multiple Visible Places

Don’t rely on just one channel to get the word out.

  • Add it to your pre-service slide deck to catch people’s attention as they settle in.
  • Share it on your social media page to reach those who might not be in service that Sunday.
  • You can even post a reminder on the bulletin board or a sign in your lobby to reinforce the message.

The key is repetition—people are more likely to get involved when they see the opportunity from multiple angles!

Pro Tip: With each announcement, remember to include a “call to action” step such as a website link or QR code so that they can sign up right away.

3. Get Volunteers to Share Their Stories

Personal stories have a way of connecting with people in a way that a simple announcement can’t.

Ask some of your current volunteers to share their experience during the service, either live or via a pre-recorded video.

Hearing why someone serves, how it’s impacted their faith journey, and the difference it’s made in their life or the lives of others can spark something in the congregation. You can feature these stories in your service, on social media, or even in email newsletters.

Highlighting personal testimonies not only showcases the importance of volunteering but also puts a relatable face on what it means to serve. The more real and authentic the story, the more likely people will feel inspired to jump in and volunteer.

4. Send Out a Church-Wide Email

Don’t underestimate the power of a well-timed, direct church-wide email.

Clearly communicate your volunteer needs and invite people to get involved. Be specific—whether it’s for the children’s ministry, greeters, tech team, or any other area that needs support, people are more likely to respond when they know exactly what’s needed.

Make it easy for them to take action by including a link to sign up for more information or to start serving right away.

Adding a scripture about the value of serving can provide spiritual motivation, reminding them that service is an important part of their faith journey.

For example, verses like 1 Peter 4:10 (“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others”) can inspire and reinforce why volunteering matters.


Attracting new volunteers doesn’t have to be a challenge when you try some of these time-tested steps. By training your current volunteers to invite friends, spreading the word across multiple visible locations, sharing impactful stories, and sending out a church-wide email, you can engage more people in serving on Sundays.

Remember, people are often willing to serve, but they need a clear invitation and an understanding of the difference they can make. So, keep these practical steps in mind as you build and grow your volunteer team. With the right approach, your church will be well-equipped to make a greater impact in the community.

Now, it’s time to put these ideas into action and watch your volunteer team flourish!

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