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Ep. 076 | Dr. John Plake: Understanding How Americans View The Bible & Technology

June 19, 2024
 min watch

In this episode, we sit down with Dr. John Plake, Chief Innovation Officer at the American Bible Society who also brings 30+ years of full-time ministry experience as a pastor, missionary, professor, and researcher.

In this episode, we sit down with Dr. John Plake, Chief Innovation Officer at the American Bible Society who also brings 30+ years of full-time ministry experience as a pastor, missionary, professor, and researcher.

We explore new research John and his team have cultivated on how Americans engage with the Bible and technology. In this conversation, we discuss:

  • New research on how Americans view the Bible.
  • The role technology plays in Bible engagement.
  • How church leaders can shepherd "The Movable Middle"
  • Why addressing the emotional needs of people with scripture is vital.
  • The annual "State of the Bible USA" report.

Join us as we dive into understanding how Americans view the bible & technology with Dr. John Plake.