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Healthy Church Summit - Cultivate

Healthy Church Summit - CultivateHealthy Church Summit - Cultivate
March 6, 1:00 PM EST
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A mission and vision for ministry have been planted in your heart.

What are you doing to cultivate growth in your ministry?

Are you equipped with the necessary tools, technology, and systems to attract new members, engage them deeply, foster cheerful generosity, and integrate them into your church's mission?

Join us for the Healthy Church Summit where we will empower you with the tools and inspiration needed to cultivate what God is doing at your ministry. This event will feature a variety of sessions, interviews, and demonstrations designed to help you navigate the challenges and opportunities of church leadership in the digital age.

What you can expect:

  • The latest innovations in church tech
  • Best practices growing churches are using
  • Inspiration to energize your ministry and team
  • Breakout sessions from ministry & technology experts

Breakout Sessions:

  • Ardee Coolidge (NextAfter): Why Your New Donors Aren’t Retaining, and How to Fix It
  • Tim Speweik (Outreach): Cultivating Growth & Engagement Beyond Your Church Walls
  • Jeff Daigle (The StudioC): Can You Church be Data Informed, and Spirit Let?
  • Steve Karboski (Ministry Brands): Cultivate Church Health with Amplify+
  • Kenny Winfrey (Ministry Brands): HQ Amplify Demo

Register Now

June 27, 2:00 PM — 3:00 PM EDT
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